Manage your Multiple Mail Accounts in Spark

It’s very annoying to manage multiple mail accounts at one time & can’t get important mail notifications at right time. Sometimes we can't find our important emails from the inbox. Spark app brings an effortless & manageable experience to us. You can manage your multiple mail accounts like; Gmail, Hotmail, Yahoo, Microsoft Outlook, iCloud & many more.


Spark App Features:-


• Set your multiple mail accounts in Spark App.

• Spark App sorts your important mails from multiple accounts & the rest of the items in the archive.

• An intelligent mail modification helps you to get important mail notifications first & keeps your mail inbox clean.

• Spark app reduces mail notifications. Only you can get notifying those mails from people you known. You can also customize your mail notification settings. 

• If you draft mail but want to send it later you can easily schedule your drafting emails with send mail later option. 

• Spark Mail has smart mail searching options. Find any email instantly. 

• Spark provides you a reminder of your important emails.

• You can save mail in PDF format & print directly from Spark.

• Spark app has an option to share your draft mails with your teams & you can also share any link with your teammates by using Google Docs.

• You can easily get some pre-write mail templates & send them multiple times when you need them.

• Spark doesn’t share your data with anyone; maintain your privacy from others. If you want to delete your data from the spark you can easily delete it from the setting options.

• Support on Android & iOS both systems.

• Spark app has Light & Dark Mode Options both which adds a smart look to all of your mail accounts.

• Swipe options of Spark give a smart managing of mail accounts. So you can easily delete, move all your unwanted mails from your mail & get a clean look.


Spark app gives you more organized about your mail & you can easily get important mails at the right time. So, why are you waiting for? Get this app & manage all your mail accounts easily.


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