CBSE Class 12th Optional Exams Likely To Be Held in September

The optional exams for improvement of performance in class 12 board examination are proposed to be held in September. Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) has proposed the idea of conducting online exams for class 12 students. Appearing for this exam, the students can boost up their marks.


A consolidated mark sheet will be issued to the candidates who are appearing for the optional exam to improve their performance. Optional examination for class 12 students whose result has been declared based on the assessment scheme and wish to improve their performance, are proposed to be conducted in September, along with the compartment examination for both class 12th & 10th students.


The application process for the compartment exam has started and the candidates can apply till August 20. The marks obtained by a candidate in these optional examinations will be treated as final for those who have opted to take these examinations.


CBSE Class 12 optional exam eligibility criteria:


Candidates whose result has been declared based on the assessment scheme in the subjects for which examination was scheduled from 1st July 2020 to 15th July 2020 and wish to improve their performance


Procedure for submitting online submission:


I.Generate list of candidates from school login.
II.Select Roll No. and Subject of candidate who wants to appear in Optional Examinations.
III.Finalisethe selection and note down �Application ID� generated.
IV.Enter  roll  no.  of  candidates  desirous  of  appearing  for  the  optional  examination.  Details  will be auto generated.
V.Generate Final list for keeping in record in the school.