Prerana Scheme for Preparing SC / ST Students for Higher Education

Prerana Scheme aims at providing financial support to institutes who are willing to put extra efforts for encouraging and training SC/ST students for GATE/GPAT/CAT/CMAT and GRE. The broad objective of the scheme is to help aspiring SC/ST students seeking higher education through admission test like GATE/ GPAT/ CAT/ CMAT/TOEFL/ IELTS and GRE.




There is an acute shortage of faculty in engineering & polytechnic colleges.  The problem can be addressed by promoting degree students of pre-final and final year to go for postgraduate tests courses.  This scheme aims at providing financial support to institutes who are willing to put extra efforts for encouraging and training SC/ST students for GATE/GPAT/CAT/CMAT and GRE. The broad objective of the scheme is to help aspiring SC/ST students seeking higher education through admission tests like GATE/GPAT/CAT/CMAT/ TOEFL/ IELTS and GRE.




- AICTE approved Institutes / AICTE approved University Departments
- Institute/University Departments must be in existence for at least ten years. 
- The Institute/  University Departments should have the appropriate infrastructure of its own to start the scheme.
- The Institute must have a minimum of 50 SC/ST students on an average on roll during last 3 years and comply with the guidelines of Tribal Sub Plan & Scheduled Caste Sub Plan of Govt. of India


Duration of the Scheme:


The duration of the Scheme shall be for a period of 2 Years i.e. pre-final and final year of the Graduation. 



Reference Link