There are some additional features as well in the app which makes your document after scanning more professional and good to look at.
Let's take a tour of that attractive features:
* Scan your document.
* Enhance the scan quality automatically/Manually.
* Enhancement includes smart cropping and many more.
* Optimize your PDF into modes like B/W, Lighten, Color and dark.
* Turn scans into clear and sharp PDF.
* Arrange your doc in folder and sub folders.
* Share PDF/JPEG files.
* Print and fax the scanned doc directly from the app.
* Upload doc�s to the cloud like Google Drive, Dropbox etc.
* Scan QR Code/Bar-code.
* Create QR Code.
* Share scanned QR Code.
* Turns your old documents into a clear and sharp one by removing the noise.
* Can create PDF in different sizes from A1 to A-6 and like Postcard, letter, Note etc.