If your business collects data on individuals, whether it�s files, photos, contacts (anything at all), then GDPR is incredibly important for you. Companies that fail to meet GDPR standards violate important laws, put consumers in danger, and could be put out of business if they are caught. What�s more, GDPR can be complicated and hard to understand.
This course makes things simple, so that you can make sure the business you manage is meeting GDPR standards. The course begins by introducing you to the key principles of GDPR. You will be shown how GDPR aims to give consumers control of their data and particularly aims to protect the privacy of children under 16. You will then learn what large and small organization must do to meet GDPR standards. This will include guidance for small enterprises on how to securely and legally hold consumers� personal data.
Finally, the course teaches you about the key role of the Data Protection Officer (DPO), and the steps organizations can take to secure cloud-based environments. By the end of this course you will fully understand GDPR and be able to ensure that your company is meeting GDPR standards. This is vital information for protecting your business from heavy fines and potential bankruptcy. So don�t wait until it�s too late. Start this course and learn how to protect yourself today.