Bindi is a word that comes from the Sanskrit word, Bindu, which means a point or dot. Wearing a dot on the forehead is very popular and a common practice. It is basically an ancient tradition in Hindu religion. Bindi generally means a dot or a small particle which is worn on the forehead. The word bindi comes from the Sanskrit word called Bindu and it is generally associated with the mystical third eye of the person. Although wearing a bindi is a tradition in Hindu religion, but it has become a fashion statement and an important part of accessories for many people.
In Hinduism, there are various concepts associated with it. Both men and women wore Bindi in the ancient period. Traditionally, it is a red dot mostly made from Kumkum between the eyebrows. Nowadays, women wear different colors of Bindis. In the early days, only married women wore red Bindi as a sign of representing their marriage. However, women generally wear them without any difference.
Generally, there is a practice of wearing a red bindi in married women. A red bindi is worn in order to make people understand that they are married. In India, the widows do not wear a bindi, however, there is a tradition of wearing a black bindi among widows. For widows, black bindis signify a loss. The young girls can wear bindi of any colour and shape.